Monday, September 16, 2024

Young scholars from all over the country gathered in Malviya Bhavan

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Young scholars from all over the country gathered in Malviya Bhavan

Varanasi: Prapanch Satya, Prapanch Mithya means that this whole world is true or it is false due to illusion, young scholars from all over the country were trying hard to solve this mystery and other similar mysteries. One side was bent on proving the world to be true on the basis of behavior, while the other side was presenting tips and Vedic proofs to prove it false. The occasion was the All India Youth Shastrarya Sabha held on 27.03.2023 at Malviya Bhawan of Kashi Hindu University, apart from Kashi, about 40 young scholars from the states of Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Goa etc.

including youths aged 13 to 25 They were presenting their respective sides to reveal the deep secrets of the scriptures like justice, grammar, Vedanta, Mimansa etc. Some scholar was reviewing the attainment of salvation on the basis of Karma while some was testing the veracity of reflection on the criteria of Vedanta Shastra. This was the first time when the girls from Goa debated the scriptures like justice, grammar etc. in the traditional way and left no stone unturned to defeat the young scholars. While Sushri Kalyani Hardikar analyzed the form of salutation with the method of jurisprudence, on the other hand Sushri Sukanya Rairikar threw light on the intricacies of grammar definition. One of the specialties of this Shastrarth Sabha was that it included the Shastrarya tradition of both Kashi and South India, which gave both the parties an opportunity to understand each other. The debate on justice and grammar by the Hardikar couple, who came from Goya, was the center of attraction.

The chief guest, Mahamahopadhyay Devdutt Govind Patil, who came from Goa, said in his speech that the Shaswarya tradition has played a very important role in mutual exchange of knowledge. This helps in understanding each other’s principles. He also threw light on the syntax tradition of the South. While presiding, Honorable Director of Malviya Bhavan Professor Rajaram Shukla highlighted the Shastrarya tradition of Kashi and the important efforts being made by Kashi Hindu University in its development and emphasized the need for special training of young students.

Apart from Kashi Hindu University, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University and many scholars of the city came to see this program which ran from 9 am to 5 pm. The meeting started with Vedic invocation and garlanding the idol of Mahamana. Operation Dr. Tulsi Kumar Joshi and vote of thanks was done by Honorable Co-Director Professor Shrikrishna Tripathi.



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